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Brand Purpose

To capture the memories of Christmas in the highest quality.

Brand Name

Festive Fotos was never a name that was originally planned. The core focus of the company is to design and build photo systems and the original intention of the brand would feel inclusive to all industries covered. However, the name for the sister brand, Adrenaline Photography, was suggested to me and I fell in love with the name. As a result, the decision was made to create one company with various trademarks branded to specific industries. Allister Group Limited was born.

A few months later, the name Festive Fotos was also put forward to me. I felt the same love for this name as I did Adrenaline Photography.

I hope people get some understanding of the purpose of the brand and what we do from the name alone. Add in a creative tagline to sum up the purpose of what we do, quickly and clearly.

Brand Promise

Our promises:

  1. Produce high quality, magical memories
  2. Easy to work with/Simple all-in-one service
  3. Connect with our clients to discover their true needs and ambitions

Brand Values

Our Values:

  1. Always say Yes, everything is possible
  2. Be creative, this is a photography company afterall 
  3. Simple is better, over-complicated isn’t a solution
  4. Build to perfection
  5. Always be available
  6. The photo is the goal

Values Explained:

  1. Whatever the client wants, we should always strive to achieve. Making suggestions on how to improve on their ideas
  2. The work required focuses very little on the photography, it’s good to remain creative and let the creativity show throughout the creation of the end photo
  3. It is far too easy to over-complicated the engineering side of things, keep it simple and you will have far less headaches
  4. All of our systems should be maintaining the highest standards, again reducing headaches
  5. Customers like to speak to a person, there should be a person available to speak to
  6. As in point 2, don’t let the engineering challenges stand in the way of the end goal… The Photograph

Brand Personality

  1. Available: Always be contactable, listening, and supportive
  2. Open: Be accepting of ideas or suggestions
  3. Honest: Clients can see through the Bullsh*t

From the start, it has always been the level of customer service that sets companies apart. We don’t just want to be ‘set apart’ but stand out! What our clients want is simple, a photograph to sell to customers!